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Earth Justice Collective

Earth Need A Wise Lawyer

Earth Justice Collective  चे काम हे भारतीय संविधानाच्या अनुच्छेद 51 क मधील मुलभुत  कर्तव्य तसेच राज्याची मार्गदर्शक तत्वे (Directive Principal of State Policy) त्यातील मुख्यतः अनुच्छेद 39A, 48A व 49 वर आधारित असणार आहे.

Article 39A: To provide free legal aid to the poor.

Article 48A: To protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wildlife of the country.

Article 49: The State shall protect every monument or place of artistic or historic interest.

Earth Justice Collective हे भारतीय संविधानाच्या  वरील अनुच्छेद नुसार  मुख्यतः मुलभूत कर्तव्य व राज्याची मार्गदर्शक तत्वे याच  संरक्षण कायदेशीर /लोकसहभाग /जनजागृती/समाजप्रबोधन मार्गाने करेल. उदा. निसर्ग, तलाव, पाणथळ जागा, सामाजिक न्याय, मानवी हक्क, अन्यायग्रस्त/गरीब व्यक्तींना कायदेशीर मदत, राज्यातील स्मारक व महत्वाचे जागा याच ऐतिहासिक, कलात्मक महत्व लक्षात घेऊन त्याचे  संरक्षण व संवर्धन करणे.

Law for Social Transformation

 UOL aims to enable young advocates and law students to get practical know-how of the socio-legal profession, educating them on the most common aspects related to Environment, Human Rights and Democratic Education system. The Fellows of this programme, all young lawyers passionate about working on issues of social justice, are taking small steps towards their goals but making sure that they leave a mark for betterment of our society and future generations.  Among the work which has been done by the interns and volunteers, there have been PILs filed in High Courts,  in National Green Tribunal and few more cases taken up in the lower courts, there have been endeavours to engage with law colleges to interact with students and inculcate the human rights perspective in them, there have been fact findings conducted in cases of environment violations and social justice.

Orders of NGT & High court

High Court Scholrship Case

Writ petition 3420 of 2021 in Hon’ble High Court of Bombay on depriving village girl merit student from scholarship

Dhamapur Lake Skywalk Case

Iterim orders in OA 167/2017 filed at NGT (WZ) on violations in Dhamapur Lake-Wetland

Dhamapur Lake Wetland Case

Interim orders in OA 45/2021 filed at NGT (WZ) on violations in Dhamapur Lake-Wetland

Dhamapur Forest Case

PIL in NGT on violations in Dhamapur Reserved Forest

Open Learning Educatation

PIL on Open Schooling Education

Sugar Mill Case Balrampur, Uttar pradesh

PIL in NGT on Sugar mills violation case